1. I bought the GG 250W hardware so I could use it instead of the 200W one, but when I activated the 250W and returned to the hardware page, the 200W was still activated and the 250W wasn't.
2. the 'noadv' command does not work. (I thought the game was initially ads free. Maybe the ads don't show up because I am in a foreign country. But still, the command does not work.)
for suggestions :
1. the poker minigame is pretty much useless
because 1) the game is too hard and 2) the rewards are too little.
2. the internet should have a 'back' button so that when you are in google,
searched something, and went into a webpage, you can come back to search results easily.
3. Right now, all you can do facebook is posting on your timeline and sharing the "Hacker Online" app.
Since facebook is all about interacting with friends, maybe you should add a "Facebook Message" or "Read comments written on you post"
4. I think these bugs and suggestions are small things, but I would really appreciate it if your generousity rewards me with some GG.

By the way, my gamecenter ID is iridescent_/