Download the BETA here
Official post for GEKKO Messenger, where all of you can suggest new features and notify bugs.
To use it you need to choose a login and password and you are ready to go.
This will be an ALL IN ONE app messenger, where you will not need to go around into other apps anymore.
So you will find games, utilities and much more.
If you need a specific plugin please reply in this thread and i will insert it as soon as i can.
Only available on iPhone / iPad at the moment.
Done and to do feature list:


Send voice message

Send video

Send picture

Block / Unblock user

Voip call

Nudge 1 time in a minute

Theme changer

Languages : English / Italian (more languages will come)

Color (Black - Not received / Gray - Received / Green - Read) on message time in the chat list

Color Badge around the avatar to know if is online or not

Profile with some infos

Complete Avatar management

Reply a message

Forward a message

Info on a message

Check on connection lost

Share TV channel you are watching

Share music you are listening

Video call

Call list
Plugins :

SID Player

Radio Player

Photo Editor

Friends Radar

Login with FaceID or Touch ID

A simple way to archive chats

Group Chats
Games :

Tic Tac Toe (Tris)

Checkers (Dama)