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TOPIC: Hackers Online (MMORPG)

Hackers Online (MMORPG) 9 years 9 months ago #1260

  • josthenosh
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Don't know how to post on facebook/complete mission26. When I run the command fblogin safari opens up and I login in and say I allow GG games to post stuff and then when I click allow safari closes and the game goes back to the start screen and fbpost says I'm not logged in. I have tried to logon multiple times but the process keeps repeating itself. I want to get this working as this seems the only way to earn GG coins without buying them.
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Hackers Online (MMORPG) 9 years 9 months ago #1261

  • Gekko
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Hi josthenosh,

you can also try using the settings of facebook in your device filling with the user and password.

2 Way to try :
1 - Settings->Facebook->fill the info
2 - Without filling the info in the settings

iOS 7/8 are different from iOS 6, so if you are already logged from settings using the command fblogin would work immediately.

I hope it solve your problem.
Let me know if all ok.
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Hackers Online (MMORPG) 9 years 5 months ago #1333

  • vivibonfi
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Sono arrivato alla missione 22, nella quale bisogna comprare un modem , il problema è che facendo quelle missioni ho finito i gg coins e ora non posso piú andare avanti. Come faccio?
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Hackers Online (MMORPG) 9 years 5 months ago #1334

  • Gekko
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Ciao Vivi, se puoi permetterti di fare una donazione con le in app puoi averli cosi, se non puoi permettertelo, scrivimi il tuo Nick game center e te ne regalerò io alcuni.
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Hackers Online (MMORPG) 8 years 8 months ago #1437

  • RBGamer100
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Help I can't use after a few minutes of playing I closed the app and turned off my iPad for the night the next day when I went to play it showed the progress bar then went to the terminal but then it said

Connecting to main server...

Server under maintenance. Try again later.

And that's it can't get past that now and there is also no icons for the buttons but they all have names on them except for one. I,am really sad as I only did like the first 3-4 tutorials and that is it. Now I can't do anything even deleting the app doesn't fix it :(

EDIT: BTW this problem has been going on for like 6 months.
EDIT2: Screen shot
Last Edit: 8 years 8 months ago by RBGamer100. Reason: Added screen shot
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Moderators: Gekko